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since 6.4.1996

Username: ai_line_mod
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uploaded files
ai_line_mod Standings - standings.zip 354 downloads
ai_line_mod - 6/6/2023 - 0 User Comments - 2.4 kb  
My old link no longer works... A perl script (based on doopers) to print out season standings based on Racing Reference format. To use, save all races as r1, r2, r3,... place the script in a folder containing all races, open command prompt and navigate to the folder, and run the script ("perl standings.pl"). You will need perl on your computer (I use Strawberry).
ai_line_mod standings v2 - standings.pl 664 downloads
ai_line_mod - 4/1/2022 - 0 User Comments - 10.0 kb  
This perl script, adapted from Doopers, prints season results exactly like they appear on racing reference. It is based on the pre-chase 1975-2003 points system. To use, be sure Perl is installed and place in your exports_imports folder. Save race results as r1, r2, r3, etc. Use cmd and navigated to exports_imports folder and run perl standings.pl to print the standings based on the exported race results.
ai_line_mod ratings v3 - ai_line_mod_A.xml 1009 downloads
ai_line_mod - 4/1/2022 - 0 User Comments - 5.3 kb  
This full season ratings scheme for NRatings is built from the ground up, with the intended purpose being to provide a ratings that falls between MasGrafx and Ethones (variable, but accurate). It works best with all three major NASCAR tiers, cup, bgn, and cts, during the pre-chase modern era, or 2004 onward if the playoff system had never been devised (as it should be ;)). Feedback welcomed.
ai_line_mod ratings v2 - ai_line_mod_7.xml 844 downloads
ai_line_mod - 1/19/2022 - 0 User Comments - 5.4 kb  
An update to the ratings formula uploaded previously by me.
ai_line_mod standings - standings.pl 823 downloads
ai_line_mod - 12/17/2021 - 2 User Comments - 9.7 kb  
A perl script (based on doopers) to print out season standings based on Racing Reference stats and format. To use, save all races as r1, r2, r3,... place the script in a folder containing all races, open command prompt and navigate to the folder, and run the script ("perl standings.pl").
ai_line_mod ratings - ai_line_mod_6.xml 745 downloads
ai_line_mod - 12/17/2021 - 0 User Comments - 5.5 kb  
To be used with NRatings.
c 2006 NNRacing.com all rights reserved.
created by alex santantonio