Next up is Sterling Marlin's early 2000's Coor's Light car. Winner of 4 races for
Ganassi and 3rd in points in 2001. I always thought this silver car was beautiful and
probably what car Sterling is best known for driving. Template: Bullring/BER and 2016
update from Elliott Henderson Graphics, Contingencies: Alan Harkelroad, Coors Mountains:
RAH (Thank you!), Numbers: Jeebs7 upload at NNR, B Pillar: Fosterick, Many logos from
Brands of the World with edits by me in Illustrator: Coors Light, Target, etc Screen Shot:
Hey Spartan! Here's what I did... I bumped
up the metallic layer opacity to 14%. Then
I duplicated the shading layer for more
contrast. The last step to make it pop was
I put the Red colored decals (40, Coors,
etc) on top of the shading layers and then
added a light THIRD layer of shading over
the red. Not the white and black outlines,
just the red. Made it kind of simulate
Day-Glo red/orange - but really impossible
on a monitor. PM if you want more info or
if this didn't make sense. I had never
painted a metallic car or one with day-glo
colors so it was all just playing with
settings. Gold might be a different story
but these settings are pretty close to how
Marlin's car looked on-track. For
instance, in-game under sun it's
practically white... on a cloudy day the
car looks almost flat gray. Very similar
to the real thing. . Thanks!