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since 6.4.1996

Username: hokiegrad
First Name: Gary Last Name:
ICQ: Location: Orlando, FL
Hobbies: NR2003, Kart racing Web Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCodiIzpdqzq5BmLC6X4_7dw
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1988 Buddy Baker CWS15 retro - 88BBaker.cts.car 2626 downloads
hokiegrad - 7/19/2017 - 5 User Comments - 2,127.8 kb  
A retro CWS15 for the late great Buddy Baker. Temp: Bill1947, Logos: 11rowsof3, Numbers: 11rowsof3, Base: me, Pit crew: 11rowsof3, Render by iceman at Stunod. Enjoy!
1997 Kyle Petty CWS15 retro - KPetty1997.cts.car 2634 downloads
hokiegrad - 6/4/2017 - 0 User Comments - 1,217.2 kb  
Based on Kyle's 1997 Hot wheels cup car. Base: deadpool, edited by me, Logos: deadpool, edited by me, Numbers: jeeble, temp: bill1947. Render by Garrett1127 at Stunod. Comes with crew and nratings. Enjoy!
2001-2003 Bill Elliott CWS15 retro - 02BElliottEM.cts.car 2687 downloads
hokiegrad - 5/31/2017 - 0 User Comments - 1,063.9 kb  
Here's one for Awesome Bill when he drove for Ray Evernham based on his 2001-2003 scheme. A tip of the cap to Ray for being elected into the HOF! Numbers - mrd, Logos - google, me, temp - bill1947. Render by Garrett1127 at Stunod. Comes with crew and has nratings based on his 2002 season. Enjoy!
Days of Thunder Cole Trickle CWS15 retro - DOT46CC_51MY.zip 2545 downloads
hokiegrad - 5/29/2017 - 0 User Comments - 2,026.7 kb  
Finally got around to doing the other two schemes from Days of Thunder....Bases: me, temps: om3ga, numbers: deadpool, logos: deadpool, google, mas. Comes with crew and ratings. Render by garrett1127 at stunod. If you want the other DoT trucks, click on my name and roll back to my posts on March 4th and Feb 10th...
1989 Neil Bonnett CWS15 retro - Bonnett89WBR.cts.car 2689 downloads
hokiegrad - 5/23/2017 - 0 User Comments - 1,382.7 kb  
Two birds - one stone here. I realized that I hadn't done a Wood Brother's scheme on one of these cup retro trucks yet and since I have been keeping all of these retros in the mid-80's to mid 2000's range, I thought the best WBR scheme to do would be a CITGO truck with Bonnett as the driver. Credits: Base- me, Logos-google, Number-MRD, Temp-om3ga. Render by Garrett1127 at Stunod, scene by cosmin. Comes with crew by me, and nratings based on his 1989 season. Enjoy, and comments welcome.
2017 #37 Chris Buescher Kansas(1) - 2017BuescherKan.cup.car 3146 downloads
hokiegrad - 5/20/2017 - 1 User Comments - 1,753.9 kb  
This is the scheme Chris Buescher drove at Kansas last week. Base: me, Logos: google, Contigs: harkleroad, Number: JTG Daugherty Racing, Temp: Bill1947. Render by garrett1127, scene by iceman at Stunod. Comes with crew and ratings based on 2017 so far!!
2017 #51 Timmy Hill Martinsville(1) - 2017_T_Hill51.cup.car 2995 downloads
hokiegrad - 5/18/2017 - 2 User Comments - 1,232.0 kb  
This is the car Timmy Hill drove for Rick Ware Racing at Martinsville a couple of weeks ago...Base: me, Logos: me, harkleroad, google, Numbers: BER, Temp: Bill1947 at stunod. Correct B-pillar logo added post render. Render by Iceman at StunodRacing. Comes with crew and nratings based on this season so far....Enjoy!
1991 Harry Gant CWS15 retro - SkoalGantCWS33.cts.car 2564 downloads
hokiegrad - 5/12/2017 - 0 User Comments - 1,121.3 kb  
A retro cup scheme truck for Harry Gant based on his 1991 season when he racked up four consecutive wins in September. Base: me, Numbers: Jeeble, Logos: google, Temp: bill1947, render by garrett1127 at stunod, cosmin scene. Comes with crew and nratings. Enjoy, and comments welcome.
2017 - #55 Reed Sorenson (Talladega 1) - 17SorensDega55.cup.car 3513 downloads
hokiegrad - 5/10/2017 - 0 User Comments - 1,628.7 kb  
Here is the scheme that Reed drove at the May Dega race this past weekend. Just wanted to do up a real scheme for a change (and one that someone hasn't done yet....) Credits: temp- bill1947, logos-me and google, numbers-racingrafix, edited by me, contigs-harkleroad. Render by garrett1127 at stunod. Comes with crew and ratings. Enjoy.
1990 Dick Trickle CWS15 retro - Trickle D 1990.cts.car 2673 downloads
hokiegrad - 5/6/2017 - 1 User Comments - 1,583.5 kb  
A retro truck based on the scheme that Dick Trickle drove in 1990 for Cale Yarborough Motorsports. Temp: om3ga, Logos: google, me Number: me, Base: me. Comes with Crew. Has nratings based on his 1990 cup season. Enjoy
1988 Bobby Allison CWS15 retro - BAllison88.cts.car 2749 downloads
hokiegrad - 5/3/2017 - 1 User Comments - 1,300.2 kb  
A truck based on Bobby Allison's 1988 Miller High Life Buick cup car paint scheme. Temp: bill1947, Logos: google, Number: BER Base: me, Render by Garrett1127 at Stunod. Comes with crew and nratings based on Bobby's 1988 season. Download has gold rims (as it should) but they do not show up in the render. Enjoy!
1985-'86 Cale Yarborough Hardees CWS15 retro - Yarborough8586.cts.car 2577 downloads
hokiegrad - 4/26/2017 - 0 User Comments - 1,889.8 kb  
A retro cup scheme truck for Cale! Based on his 1985 - 1986 Ford Thunderbirds...Temp: bill1947, Base: me, Number: me, Logos: BOTW, google, Crew: me, Render by Rogue at Stunod. Has nratings based on both his '85 and '86 seasons. Enjoy
2001 Dave Blaney Amoco Ultimate CWS15 retro - DBlaney2001.cts.car 2724 downloads
hokiegrad - 4/18/2017 - 3 User Comments - 1,154.8 kb  
Here are a couple more retro cup scheme trucks....this one is based on Dave Blaney's Amoco Ultimate car that he raced for Bill Davis Racing in 2001. Credits: Base-me, Temp-Bill1947, Number- mas, Logos-google. Render by iceman at stunod. Comes with crew, driver, and nratings based on Blaney's 2001 cup season. Enjoy!
2012 Jeff Gordon Dupont 20 years CWS15 retro - Gordon2012.cts.car 2716 downloads
hokiegrad - 4/18/2017 - 0 User Comments - 2,379.0 kb  
Here are a couple more retro cup scheme trucks. Can't take much credit for this one....I found the base over at Rah and it came with most of the logos and stuff already on it. I just added some details :) Base: Rah, Temp: om3ga, number: rah, Logos: rah, google. Render by iceman at stunod. Comes with crew and ratings. Enjoy!
Mid 1980's Dale Earnhardt CWS15 retro - DEarnhardt87.cts.car 2656 downloads
hokiegrad - 4/16/2017 - 1 User Comments - 1,657.2 kb  
Can't have a retro truck set without Dale! This is based off of Earnhardt's Wrangler cars of 1985 to 1987. Nratings are based on Dale's 1987 season (the last year he won the cup in this scheme). Temp-bill1947, Logos-google, Number-MRD, Base-me, crew-me, render-iceman at Stunod. Enjoy!
1999 Jeff Burton Exide CWS15 retro - JBurtonExide.cts.car 2744 downloads
hokiegrad - 4/15/2017 - 6 User Comments - 1,870.6 kb  
A truck based on Jeff Burton's Exide rides that he drove for Roush Racing in 1998 and 1999. Temp: Om3ga, Base: me, Number: mrd, Logos: mas, google. Render by Iceman at Stunod. Comes with a pit crew and nratings based on Jeff's 1998 and 1999 seasons. Enjoy!
1998 Johnny Benson Jr CWS15 retro - JBenson1998.cts.car 2748 downloads
hokiegrad - 4/6/2017 - 2 User Comments - 1,666.6 kb  
A CWS15 truck based on the car Johnny Benson Jr drove for Roush Racing in 1998. Credits: Temp&contigs-Bill1847, Logos-google and mas, Number-me, Base-me, Crew-me, Render-Garrett1127 on an iceman scene. Comes with nratings based on Benson's 1998 cup season. Enjoy.
2000 Bobby Labonte CWS15 retro - LabonteB_2000.cts.car 2828 downloads
hokiegrad - 4/5/2017 - 2 User Comments - 1,100.3 kb  
A CWS15 truck based on Bobby Labonte's 2000 championship season scheme. Credits: Temp&contigs-om3ga, base-me, number-mrd, logos- mas and google, render by iceman at stunod. Comes with crew and nratings based on his 2000 cup season. Enjoy!
1999 - 2003 Ward Burton CWS15 retro - WBurton2002.cts.car 2615 downloads
hokiegrad - 4/4/2017 - 1 User Comments - 1,328.2 kb  
I thought to myself that you can't really have a retro set without a CAT car in the field! I've already done a 31 truck and David Green's late 90's CAT cars were a little too obscure, so.....here you go. This base scheme was on most of Ward's cars from '99 to '03, and in '01 they switched from Pontiac to Dodge. Credit: Temp-Bill1947, Base-me, Logos-mas, google, Number-mrd, Crew-me, Render-Iceman at Stunod. File has nratings based on Ward's 2002 season (the year he won the Daytona 500). Enjoy!
2001 Kevin Harvick CWS15 retro - Harvick2001.cts.car 2773 downloads
hokiegrad - 4/2/2017 - 2 User Comments - 1,041.6 kb  
Based on Harvick's 2001 GM Goodwrench car that he drove to a win in his 3rd start after replacing the late Dale Earnhardt! Credits: Base-me, number-BER, logos-mas, google, temp-Bill1947, render-Iceman at Stunod. Comes with crew and nratings based on Kevin's 2001 season. Enjoy!
2007 David Gilliland CWS15 retro - 2007Gilliland.cts.car 2663 downloads
hokiegrad - 3/31/2017 - 0 User Comments - 1,650.8 kb  
Based on David Gilliland's 2007 m&m's car that he drove for Robert Yates Racing. Credits: Temp-om3ga, Base-RAH edited to fit the truck by deadpool, Number-MRD, Logos-google, crew-me. Render-Ceafus88, scene by cosmin. Has nratings based on David's 2007 cup season. Enjoy.
2003 Matt Kenseth CWS15 retro - Kenseth2003.cts.car 2666 downloads
hokiegrad - 3/29/2017 - 0 User Comments - 1,427.2 kb  
Based on his car from his 2003 Championship season. Credits: Temp-Bill1947 (I love that black grill), base-me, Number-mrd, logos-google and me, crew-me, render-Ceafus88 at stunod, scene by cosmin. Has nratings based on his 2003 cup season. Enjoy!
2005 Jason Leffler - Tribute - CWS15 retro - Leffler 2005.cts.car 2678 downloads
hokiegrad - 3/27/2017 - 0 User Comments - 1,183.9 kb  
I wanted to do a tribute to Jason Leffler. He didn't have a lot of success in this car, but I always thought this was a great scheme! Credits: Base-RAH, edited by me to fit the truck, Logos-google, Number-mas, temp-om3ga, render - garrett1127 at Stunod. Comes with crew, and ratings based on Lefturn's 2005 season. Enjoy, and comments welcome.
1989 Mark Martin CWS15 retro - 89MMartin.cts.car 2655 downloads
hokiegrad - 3/25/2017 - 1 User Comments - 2,141.0 kb  
A truck based on Mark's Stroh's Light car when he first started driving for Roush. Credits: Temp-Bill1947, Logos-me and google, Number-me, Crew-me, Render-Iceman at Stunod.
2003 Joe Nemechek CWS15 retro - 03Nemechek.cts.car 2191 downloads
hokiegrad - 3/23/2017 - 0 User Comments - 1,001.1 kb  
A retro truck based on Joe Nemechek's 2003 car he drove for Hendrick. Credits: Temp-Bill1947, Base-me, Number-MRD, Logos- google. Render-ceafus88 at Stunod, scene by cosmin. Comes with crew, and nratings based on Joe's '03 cup season. Enjoy, and comments welcome.
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