4 Pack of 1970's Trans Am racers- 77 Sam Posey, 15 Parnelli
Jones, 42 Swede Savage, 48 Dan Gurney. BillA1947 from Stunod
made the Dodge Template, and I added bits to make a Plymouth Cuda
one as well. FCRD Philly_T Next gen ford temp. All numbers are
made by me, and the "Base Schemes" were made by me also. James
Hodge Orthographic Render Scene, modified by me. The vintage
decals came from all over, mostly from decal/sticker packs on
ebay and cut out - anything else would be from google images.
The dodge/cuda imports on the dodge body in game (generic), ford
to, well, ford. (These go in the FCRD Next Gen 2022 mod)