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  Vig's Dunlop OZ V8 Rims (Improved) screen shot 841 Vigilante 11/28/2002
  Pepsi V8 Supercar (Request) screen shot 709 Vigilante 11/27/2002
  JOHAN!!! Black annodized V8 Rims screen shot 720 Vigilante 11/29/2002
  Budweiser V8 Supercar screen shot 821 Vigilante 12/4/2002
  Super Cheap V8 Supercar screen shot 756 Vigilante 12/5/2002
  2003 Betta Electrical V8 Supercar screen shot 1034 Vigilante 4/11/2003
  2003 Team Dynamik V8 Supercar screen shot 1109 Vigilante 4/12/2003
  2003 Kmart V8 Supercar screen shot 1039 Vigilante 4/7/2003
  2003 Castrol Ford (Fictional) screen shot 1681 Vigilante 4/30/2003
  2003 SuperCheap V8 screen shot 1899 Vigilante 5/26/2003
  Multicar set pt.1 (iam27paul 1996 cars) screen shot 1832 Vigilante 6/2/2003
  Multicar set pt.2 (iam27paul 1996 cars) screen shot 1844 Vigilante 6/2/2003
  Monster BMW (Fictional) screen shot 1761 Vigilante 7/30/2003
  Wood One Mercedes JGTC screen shot 1844 Vigilante 8/1/2003
  2003 Diamond Guard V8 Supercar screen shot 1635 Vigilante 5/10/2003
  2003 Livewire Pontiac (fictional) screen shot 1716 Vigilante 5/13/2003
  2003 Arco Pontiac (Fictional) screen shot 1867 Vigilante 5/1/2003
  OzEmail (White Version) V8SC screen shot 1969 Vigilante 8/6/2003
  OzEmail (Black Version) V8SC screen shot 1873 Vigilante 8/6/2003
  V8SC Computer Set #1 screen shot 1978 Vigilante 8/18/2003
  V8SC Computer set #2 screen shot 1976 Vigilante 8/18/2003
  Lansvale V8SC screen shot 1970 Vigilante 8/12/2003
  Another decal sheet screen shot 1075 Vigilante 4/2/2002
  By Request: Killed at Cola 939 Vigilante 4/10/2002
  BMW M3 Racing screen shot 1014 Vigilante 4/21/2002
  OK Here it is...BMW M3 NR2002 screen shot 1185 Vigilante 4/20/2002
  N2002 New Rims screen shot 876 Vigilante 3/22/2002
  94MustangSaleen**Repost** screen shot 1260 Vigilante 5/6/2002
  Reaching new Heights at Tona1 screen shot 832 Vigilante 5/3/2002
  NYPD-LAPD 911 Tribute Car screen shot 831 Vigilante 4/29/2002
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